
Harry Potter is in the house!

It's gonna be a happening Holloween weekend this year and the boy and the girl could not wait 'coz they missed last year's revelry.  Problem is, the girl is already eying on being a darker character this time and is hell bent on snatching away big brother's black cloak!

THIS is Harry Potter's cloak -- part of the boy's wizard costume set. This is his latest look courtesy of auntie A (who generously 'supplied' their terrific costumes for the past 3 years!)
Transformer's Bumble Bee and Ironman are currently in hiatus so I was really pushing for Harry this year. At first, the boy still pictured himself in either one of his anatomically-correct-upper-body-muscle-padded superhero costumes. After much prodding, he eventually began to appreciate and take on the character of the lead wizard from the house of Gryffindor.
Waving his wand garbed in his 'invisibility cloak'
Opening a secret door behind the shelves???
THE CONFLICT:  Little girl is dampening his mood and trying take over the wardrobe for herself. She is Tinkerbell no more!

"It's mine!!!" 
The mischievous little She-Devil got her way one time, here in the same dark cloak paired with her blinking red horns (which also belongs to the boy!), at her school's Trick or Treat party.

Let's see who gets to wear this 'magical' cloak on Holloween. The Wizard or Lucifer's minion?

Place your bets people!

Find out who missed the treats last year, click here.

Holloween 2010 - See who ended up wearing the wizard's cloak here! ;)

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