I was born on a Friday, #$@! years ago today, at 1:22 in the afternoon ...don't ask me what year. I'll be forever 28! ;)
It's supposed to be Family Friday but for today, I'm taking a birthday break and thought I'd make this as random and as spontaneous as possible. Obviously, I did not plan anything really special today. Hence, I'm taking this chance to share with you what I want to do this month of March, for myself, for my family, and for this blog.

- Have a haircut
- Day at the spa - booked!
- Go to the beach with family
- Night-out with my girl friends - booked!
- Attend beginners' yoga class
- Buy comfy wedge shoes
- Buy a nice big bag
- Buy slim pants
- Alter old flared pants
- Purge closets and shelves of old, unused stuff
- Set kids' and hubby's visit to the dentist
- Set check-up with OB-gyne for myself
- Prepare kids' summer home activity schedule
- Assign more chores to kids
- Make my no-bake blueberry cheesecake again
- Introduce new sections on the blog
- Get blog readers to contribute to the blog
- Scout for new blog design/theme
The list can go on, but I'm already overwhelmed just by looking at this and wonder if I can actually DO all these before the month ends!
See #16. This will certainly happen this month as I launch my newest section, HOME-STYLE, very soon! And there's more...
Good news for you, my dear readers, is that I would really like for you to have an active part in my blog via my Reader's Nook. It can be for any of my regular Friday features, or Specials! I am constantly on the look-out for simple recipes, food and grocery finds, kids' style, shopping finds, parenting tips and many more! Watch out for announcements on upcoming posts. Better subscribe or follow me on my social networking sites so you won't miss updates. I plan to compile readers' contributions every month to be featured on the blog. This is also my way of showing appreciation to all of you.
Every visit, every post liked and shared, every feedback is already your gift to me, and with that I am so thankful and blessed!
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